“Aspiring and Reluctant Middle-Powers? Italy’s and Germany’s Defense Reforms after the Cold War”1/3/2020
My forthcoming book chapter will be: “Aspiring and Reluctant Middle-Powers? Italy’s and Germany’s Defense Reforms after the Cold War”, F.Coticchia and F.N.Moro, in G.Giacomello and B.Veerbek (eds) Middle Powers in Europe and Asia, Lexington, (2020). Here below you can find a description of the edited volume: This volume presents three claims regarding the role of middle powers in the 21st Century: first, states aspiring to become or remain middle powers choose from three possible role: to be a global middle powers; to be a regional pivot; or to be a niche leader. Second, states seeking such roles need different mixes of hard and soft power sources. Third, more so than great or small powers, middle powers walk a thin line between the domestic and systemic pressures they face. In this volume, these claims are based on (comparative) case studies of Germany, Iran, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, and Turkey.
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Fabrizio Coticchia is Professor of Political Science at the University of Genoa. |