International workshops and conferences (ECPR, EISA, MPSA, WISC, etc.)
“Don't kiss and tell. The Italian parliament’s security policy: patterns of continuity and change after the 2022 general elections”, F.Coticchia and V. Vignoli, ECPR annual conference, Prague, September 2023.
“Roundtable: “Navigating the job market”, Berlin, EISS annual conference, June 30, 2022
’You can’t say no forever’. A Narrative Policy Analysis of the new High-Speed Station in Florence”, (with M.DiGiulio, International Conference Public Policy ICPP, Barcelona, 8 July 2021
“Barking at the moon? Italy’s foreign policy under the “Yellow-Green” government”, Workshop: ‘Tracing the impact of populism on foreign policy in the European Union’, CERI - Sciences Po, Paris, 9 – 10 December 2019.
“Transforming from Below. The Military Operation in Afghanistan and the Evolution of Italian Defence” F.Coticchia and F: Moro, Workshop: “The War in Afghanistan as a Historiographical Challenge: An International Survey, Potsdam, 27-28 November 2019.
"Dimensions and Drivers. Military Transformation in Italy and Germany. A framework for analysis", F.Coticchia and F: Moro, AFSP Annual Conference, Bordeaux, 2-4 July 2019.
“Still the Days Seem the Same? Assessing the Re-orientation of the Italian Foreign and Defense Policy”, F.Coticchia and V.Vignoli, EWIS (European Workshop of International Studies, EISA, Krakow, 26-29 June 2019.
“Italian foreign policy during Matteo Renzi’s government”, PSA Italian Politics Conference, Genova, 14 June 2019
“The Italian Defence Policy after the Cold War. Europeanisation, American Influence, or Strategic Adjustment?”, with F.N Moro and A.Locatelli, EISA, Prague, 12-15 September 2018.
“Voting on the use of armed force. Introducing a new dataset of parliamentary deployment votes in ten liberal democracies”, with W. Wagner, Vrije, F. Böller, F.J. Christiansen, D. Fonck, A.Herranz-Surrallés, J.Kaarbo, M. Onderco, F. Ostermann, R.Pedersen, T.Raunio, Reykers, KU Leuven, V. Vignoli, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg 22-22 August 2018.
“The Foreign and Defense Policy of the Five Star Movement. Analysis of Votes and Debates”, with V.Vignoli, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg 22-22 August 2018.
"A reality check for students? How participating to the Model United Nations influences skills, IR perceptions and perspectives on future career", with L.Cicchi and E.Calossi, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg 22-22 August 2018.
F.N. Moro: "The Times They Are A-Changing? Understanding Italian and German Defense Policy Reforms after the Cold War", ECPR General Conference, Hamburg 22-22 August 2018.
“A knight without armour. Assessing the problematic relationship between strategic narratives and (master) frames”, A. Catanzaro and F. Coticchia, “Media, War and Conflict Journal 10th Anniversary Conference - Spaces of War, War of Spaces”, Florence, May 22nd-23rd 2018.
“Divergent paths. Institutional constraints and post-Cold War Italian and German defence policy”, F.Coticchia and F.N Moro, Workshop “Political Parties and Foreign Policy”, Genova, 16 November 2017.
“Italian parties and military operations. An empirical analysis on voting patterns”. F.Coticchia and V.Vignoli, Workshop “Political Parties and Foreign Policy”, Genova, 16 November 2017
“Through military lenses. Security perceptions and learning in the case of Italian armed forces”, F.Coticchia and F.N. Moro. Workshop: Die deutsche Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges – Von der Landesverteidigung zur Interventionsarmee?”, Berlin, 17-18 October 2017.
“Unpacking Ideology. The foreign policy of Social Democratic and Centre-left parties in Europe: the cases of France, Germany, and Italy. Workshop”, E.Calossi, F.Coticchia, and M.Di Giulio. Workshop: “Party politics of foreign and security policy in Europe”. Amsterdam, 5-6 October 2017.
"Over the Rainbow: Frames, Strategic Narratives and Defense Policy in Italy”, A.Catanzaro and F.Coticchia, MPSA Annual Conference, Chicago, April 2017.
“The Post-Cold War Evolution of European Armed Forces: Italy, France and the UK”, Mary Washington University – Virginia. February 21th 2017.
"Can you Hear Me Major Tom? Media, Narratives and Contemporary Military Operations: the Case of the Italian Mission in Afghanistan” (with Silvia D’Amato, Scuola Normale Superiore), at the first EISS Annual Conference, Paris, 13-14 January 2017.
“Unheard voices. IR theories and Italian Defense Policy”, Workshop: “Realism and the Return of Geopolitics in Europe”, Trento, 11-12 November 2016.
“Beyond Parlamentarism. A research agenda on conflicts, political institutions and regime stability in new democracies", with G.Cama, ECPR General Conference, Prague, September 2016.
"The Italian military operation in Afghanistan: key-events, narratives, and media analysis". Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBwM), April 29th 2016.
“Running in chains. The transformation of Italian defense policy”, Cornell, “Italy from Crisis to Crisis: Politics, Economics, and Security in the 21st Century”. 11-12 June 2015
“How military organizations learn?”, F.Coticchia and F.N. Moro, Chicago, 15-19 April 2015, MPSA – Midwest Political Science Association.
"An alternative view: Counter-narratives, Italian public opinion and military operations abroad", Annual Conference of The Association for the Study of Modern Italy (ASMI), 21-22 November 2014. The Italian Cultural Institute, London.
“The Irrelevance of Radical Parties in Coalition Foreign Policy: Italy and the Extremity Hypothesis”, F.Coticchia and Jason Davidson, “The Italian Left and Foreign Policy”, Cambridge, 9th June 2014
"Analysis of the supply chain and its criminal enterprises”, F. Strazzari and F.Coticchia, Lisboa, 7-8 February 2013; European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
“Views from Europe: Italian Defence Policy”, ISODARCO Winter School, “New Military Technologies: Implications for Strategy and Arms Control”, January 2013, Andalo (Trento)
“A Critical Friend: Monitoring and Evaluation Systems, Development Cooperation and Local Government: The Case of Tuscany”, Fabrizio Coticchia, Annarosa Mezzasalma and Serena Rossignoli, American Evaluation Association - Annual Conference, November 2011, Anaheim, California
“Projecting security at hot-spots borders through ESDP (CSDP) missions” Fabrizio Coticchia and Barbara Nicoletti, CISS (Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section) Millennium Conference, Venice, 4-5 July 2010
"Away from war through words? Marxist and post-Marxist parties, peace discourse and the evolution of the Italian defence policy" Enrico Calossi, Fabio Calugi and Fabrizio Coticchia, Inaugural World Conference: Ideology and Discourse Analysis (IDA), 8-10 September 2008, Roskilde University.
“Italian parties and military missions abroad: shared values or alternate coherence?”, Enrico Calossi and Fabrizio Coticchia, World International Studies Committee (WISC), 2nd Global Studies Conference, Ljubljana, 23-26 July 2008.
“Civil-military cooperation among peoples: The Italian Experience in Peace Support Operations” Fabrizio Coticchia and Giampiero Giacomello. The External and Internal Security Policy Nexus: Beyond the Domestic-International Divide, Stoccolma, May 14-16, 2008, Forum for Security Studies and Stockholm Network for Security Studies (SNSS)
“The transformation of military force and the Italian “Peace Support Operations”: political rhetoric and the protection of means and personnel”, SGIR 6th Pan-european Conference, Turin, 12-15 September 2007
"The Ever-changing Land of the Principe? Government Majorities and Italy’s Foreign Policy ", di Nicola Chelotti, Fabrizio Coticchia, Giampiero Giacomello. 57th Political Studies Association Annual Conference (PSA), Europe and Global Politics, 11 -13 April 2007 University of Bath
International Studies Association – ISA (and BISA) Annual Convention
“The inevitable clash? Populist political outsiders and foreign policy bureaucracies”, F.Coticchia and F. Donelli, ISA, Annual Convention, Nashville, March 28, 2022.
"Reluctant Middle-Powers? Understanding Italian and German Defense Policy after the Cold War" (with F.N. Moro), ISA International Conference, Honk Kong, 15-18 June 2017.
"Through military lenses. Security perceptions and learning in the case of Italian armed forces" (with F.N. Moro, University of Bologna and L.Cicchi, EUI), ISA Annual Convention, Baltimore, 22-25 February 2017.
"A different story: strategic narratives, security issues and peace movements in Italy" (with A.Catanzaro, University of Genoa), ISA Annual Convention, Baltimore, 22-25 February 2017.
“Explaining Renzi’s Foreign Policy: The International Effects of Domestic Reforms” F.Coticchia and J.W. Davidson, ISA Annual Convention – Atlanta, March 2016.
“Divergent paths: Understanding post-Cold War Italian and German defense policy”, F.Coticchia and F.N. Moro, ISA Annual Convention – Atlanta, March 2016.
“The Limits of Radical Parties in Coalition Foreign Policy: Italy, Hijacking, and the Extremity Hypothesis”, F.Coticchia and J.Davidson , BISA, London, 17 June 2015.
“An alternative view. Counter-narratives and the Italian debate on the F35”, ISA Annual Convention – New Orleans, February 2015.
Italy’s military interventions and new security threats. The cases of Libya, Somalia and Haiti, M.Ceccorulli and F. Coticchia, ISA Annual Convention – New Orleans, February 2015.
"Effective strategic narratives? Italian public opinion and military operations in Iraq, Libya and Lebanon", ISA Annual Convention – Toronto 26-29 March 2014
"The Redesigning of European Armed Forces (2001-2012)", F.Coticchia and F.N.Moro, ISA Annual Convention – Toronto 26-29 March 2014
“Along Europe’s Supply Line: Organized Crime, Narcotics and Governance in Guinea-Bissau and Morocco”, Fabrizio Coticchia and Francesco Strazzari, ISA 54th Annual Convention, San Francisco 3-6 April 2013.
“Wind of change? The dynamics of transformation of the Italian Armed Forces from Afghanistan to Libya (2001-2011)”, Fabrizio Coticchia and Francesco N. Moro, ISA 54th Annual Convention, San Francisco 3-6 April 2013.
Roundtable: “Revisiting European Interventions: Afghanistan to Libya”, at ISA 54th Annual Convention, San Francisco 3-6 April 2013
Roundtable: “A decade of Progress? The Evolution of European Security Strategy 2003-2013: Domestic and International Challenges and Opportunities”, ISA 54th Annual Convention, San Francisco 3-6 April 2013
“The war that wasn't there? Framing Italy’s “peace mission” in Afghanistan”, Fabrizio Coticchia and Carolina de Simone, BISA/ISA Joint International Conference, Edinburgh, June 2012
Roundtable: "Changing balances and identities in the Mediterranean during and after the Arab Spring", ISA Annual Convention, San Diego, 1-4 April 2012.
"The Europarties and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union", E.Calossi, F.Coticchia, ISA Annual Convention, San Diego, 1-4 April 2012.
“Nothing to declare? An Italian Counter-Insurgency Doctrine in the Contemporary World”, Fabrizio Coticchia and Giampiero Giacomello, ISA Annual Convention, Montreal, 16-19 March 2011.
“The Phantom Menace: Organized Crime and ESDP missions”, Fabrizio Coticchia and Francesco Strazzari, ISA Annual Convention, New Orleans, 17-20 February 2010.
"All together now: Parliamentary Bipartisanship and Italian military operations abroad", Fabrizio Coticchia and Giampiero Giacomello, ISA's 50th Annual Convention, New York, February 15-18, 2009
"A National way to PSO? The case of Italy: 1991-2008", Fabrizio Coticchia and Giampiero Giacomello, ISA's 50th Annual Convention, New York, February 15-18, 2009
"Peace Support Operations and the Italian Defence Policy: elements of continuity and the role of a new peace frame”. Chicago, International Studies Association (ISA), March 2007
“In Harm's Way: Why and When a Modern Democracy Risks the Lives of Its Uniformed Citizens?” Giampiero Giacomello e Fabrizio Coticchia, International Studies Association (ISA) Conference, San Diego, March 2006
Italian Society of Political Science – SISP Annual Conference and SGRI (Standing Group International Relations)
"The politics of military assistance: Italian parties’ positions on the war in Ukraine”, V.Vignoli and F.Coticchia, Workshop Standing Group “Parlamenti, Governo, Rappresentanza”: “A un anno dall'inizio della legislatura governo e parlamento alla prova dei (nuovi) numeri”, Trieste, 19-20 December 2023
“Italy’s military operation abroad (1990-2020): trends, data, and pattern”, V.Vignoli and F.Coticchia, Sisp Annual Conference, Panel “Domestic Actors and Foreign Policy: Parties, Leaders, and Institutions" Thursday 9th September 2021
“’You can’t say no forever’. A Narrative Policy Analysis of the new High-Speed Station in Florence”, M. Di Giulio and F.Coticchia, Sisp Annual Conference, Panel “Ideas, narratives, and change in public policy, administration, and management” Saturday 11th September 2021
‘I’ll take two. Migration, terrorism, and the Italian military engagement in Niger and Libya’, F.Coticchia and Michela Ceccorulli, SGRI, Bologna, October 2018.
"Migration and terrorism: the analysis of drivers, debates and goals behind the Italian military engagement in Niger and Libya”, with M.Ceccorulli, SISP Annual Conference, Turin, 6-8 September 2018
“Content, discourse and Frame analysis”. Roundtable SISP (International Relations and Methods). XXXI Sisp Annual Conference, Urbino, 14-16 September 2017.
"Through military lenses. Security perceptions and learning in the case of Italian armed forces", F. Coticchia, F.N. Moro, and L. Cicchi, XXX Sisp Annual Conference, Milan, 15-17 September 2016.
"Narratives and counter-narratives: security issues and peace movements in Italy", F.Coticchia and A.Catanzaro, XXX Sisp Annual Conference, Milan, 15-17 September 2016.
“Explaining Renzi’s Foreign Policy: The International Effects of Domestic Reforms” F.Coticchia and J.W. Davidson, IX SGRI Annual Conference, Trento, 23-25 June 2016.
“Learning from others? Emulation and adjustment in Italian military transformation”, F. Coticchia and F.N.Moro, VIII SGRI Annual Conference, Trento, 26-27 June 2015.
“Italy’s military intervention to face new security threats: an analysis of the national debate in three intervention cases (Darfur, Somalia and Haiti)”, F. Coticchia and M. Ceccorulli, VIII SGRI Annual Conference, Trento, 26-27 June 2015.
"Un’eredità troppo pesante. La politica di difesa italiana tra ostacoli e cambiamenti", XXVIII SISP Annual Conference, Perugia, 11-13 September 2014.
"Understanding the Italian military intervention in Libya: strategic culture, international norms and domestic dynamics", M.Ceccorulli and F.Coticchia, XXVIII SISP Annual Conference, Perugia, 11-13 September 2014.
"A two-level game? The determinants of the Italian military intervention in Libya: strategic culture, international norms and domestic dynamics”, M.Ceccorulli and F.Coticchia, SGRI VII Annual Conference, Trento, 26-28 June 2014.
"Projecting Security at Hot-Spots Borders Through CSDP Missions: The cases of Georgia and Ukraine-Moldova”, Fabrizio Coticchia and Barbara Nicoletti, XXIV Convengo SISP –IUAV, Venice, 16- 18 September 2010
“Nothing to declare? The Italian counter-insurgency doctrine in the post-bipolar world”, Fabrizio Coticchia, Eugenio Pizzimenti, Giampiero Giacomello. SGRI (Standing Group Relazioni Internazionali – SISP), Milan, 18 e il 19 November 2009.
“Il lungo sentiero sul lago di ghiaccio: l’evoluzione della politica di difesa italiana tra ‘nuove guerre’ e Peace Support Operations”, XXIII Congresso Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, Roma, LUISS Guido Carli, 17-19 September 2009.
"Un'analisi empirica delle operazioni militari italiane all'estero: (1991-2008)", Fabrizio Coticchia and Giampiero Giacomello, SISP XXII Convegno, Pavia 4-6 September 2008
“Una Nuova Cultura di Difesa? L’Evoluzione della Sicurezza Nazionale nell’Italia Contemporanea”, Fabrizio Coticchia and Giampiero Giacomello, SGRI 2008 Bertinoro, 27-28 June 2008
“Le missioni italiane all'estero e i partiti della Seconda Repubblica: valori condivisi o scelte a coerenza alternata?” Enrico Calossi and Fabrizio Coticchia, XXI Congresso Annuale SISP, Catania, 20-22 September 2007.
"Peace Support Operations e Politica di Difesa Italiana: Tratti di Continuità e Discontinuità”, SISP, 12-14 September 2006, University of Bologna.
Other national conferences and workshops
“Europa (in)difesa”. Festival “Lector in Fabula”, Conversano, Bari, 23 September 2023.
“La guerra russo-ucraina: implicazioni per le relazioni internazionali e la sicurezza euro-atlantica”, IAI, Rome, 4 July 2023
"Regional security: a new approach for cooperation in the Mediterranean?” Across the Sea Conference, Genova, 6 June 2023
“La desolante attualità degli studi strategici in Italia”, Milano, Università Cattolica, 15 dicembre 2022
“Conflitto in Ucraina. Quale Europa della difesa?”. Convegno “Guerra in Ucraina. Per un’Europa di Pace”, Comune di Brescia e Rete pace e disarmo, 3 settembre 2022
“Afghanistan Palestina Israele: le nostre responsabilità, le nostre proposte”, Teatro Cittadella di Assisi – Pro Civitate Christiana. 9 October 2021 , Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo
“Lezioni Afgane ", “Primo Lunedì del Mese”, 4 october 2021
“Afghanistan 2001-2021”, Dispo, Unige, 24 September 2021
“L’evoluzione della politica di difesa italiana”, 17 May 2021. Workshop with the Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini, Unige.
“Analisi dell’influenza dell’industria della difesa sull’agenda politica italiana”, Presentazione Report Transparency International e Osservatorio Milex, 29 April 2021
“Italia e NATO. L’impossibile neutralità?”, Circolo “Lo Zenzero”, Genova, 1 April November 2021
“Dimensions and Drivers. Military transformation in Italy and Germany”, La Sapienza, Brown Bag Seminars, 13 November 2019.
“Italian Foreign Policy during Matteo Renzi's Government: A Domestically-Focused Outsider and the World", Jean Blondel Seminar of Political Science, CIRPAC and DISPOC, University of Siena, Tuesday 22 October 2019.
‘From Paradigm Change to Muddling Through: The Transformation of Italian Armed Forces’, in “Book launch: The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces (Oxford University Press, 2018)”, European University Institute, Firenze, May 13 2019
“Missiles, drones, and money”, 3 May 2019, Milano, “Festival dei Diritti Umani”
“What’s next? An overview of the midterm elections results”, Unige e Consolato americano, 8 November 2018, Genova
“Conflitti, crisi regionali e fenomeno migratorio”, Circolo “Lo Zenzero”, Genova, 13 November 2018
“La politica di difesa Europea", “Primo Lunedì del Mese”, Vicenza, 6 November 2017
"The strategic and military cooperation between the two shores of the Atlantic”, California State University (Florence), April 27th 2017.
"Parties and Parliaments matter. A research agenda on conflicts, political institutions and regime stability in new democracies", F.Coticchia and G.Cama, workshop “Conflicts and Institutions in new democracies: the Myanmar case”, Turin, October 28th 2016.
“Beyond Parlamentarism. A research agenda on conflicts, political institutions and regime stability in new democracies", F.Coticchia and G.Cama, workshop “Conflicts&Institutions”, Genoa 17 June 2016.
“Running in chains. The transformation of Italian defense policy”, Cornell, “Italy from Crisis to Crisis: Politics, Economics, and Security in the 21st Century”. Torino, 10 June 2016, “A quarant’anni da La Crisi Italiana”.
“Security: new approaches and concepts”, Model United Nations Simulation – Consules. LUISS University, Rome, 10 March 2016.
“La nebbia della guerra? Il rapporto civili-militari e l’evoluzione della politica di difesa italiana”. In: “Non solo diplomazia. Esperti e politici in scienza e tecnologia nella politica estera italiana fra Guerra Fredda e costruzione europea”. Workshop – University of Padua, 11-12 December 2015.
“Il contributo militare dei foreign fighters. Il caso dell’ISIL”. In Workshop: “Guerra, Diritto e Sicurezza nelle
Relazioni Internazionali”, Florence 22-23 October 2015.
“La Guerra che non c’era”, presentation of my book at the Chamber of Deputies, VI edition of “Giornate del Libro Politico”, Rome, Chamber of Deputies, 25 October 2014
“The Redesigning of Italian Armed Forces in a Time of Crisis (2001-2012)”, in “The crisis in EU and USA”, Pisa, 13 June 2014.
“Italian military operations in the Mediterannean”, in "Italy and the Mediterranean Challenges", ISPI – Scuola Sant’Anna, Pisa, 20th March 2014
"Le Operazioni Militari Italiane nell'era post-bipolare: dall'Iraq (1991) alla Libia(2011)", XVI Convegno sul Diritto e la Cooperazione Internazionale, “Il terzo combattente - 150 anni di storia del CICR al servizio dell’Umanità”, Caravaggio - 28 settembre 2013
“L'Italia e le politica di difesa: tra missioni militari ed esigenze di riforma”, Sant'Anna Science Cafè, Pisa, 6 June 2013
“"The Redesigning of European Armed Forces from Afghanistan to Libya", F.Coticchia, F.Moro, L’Europa in bilico: la scienza politica italiana di fronte alle attuali sfide, Florence 8 May 2013
“Italian Foreign Policy in the 'Second Republic'. Changes of Form and Substance”, 23 January, 2013 - 11:00, ISPI, Milan, Palazzo Clerici
"Italy’s participation in PKOs: figures and trends", in "China’s and Italy’s Approaches to Peacekeeping. Bringing Confucian Harmony to a Machiavellian World?", Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, 7-8 June, 2012
"L’Italia e il Mondo Nuovo", "Liquid.Lab", University of Florence, May 2012
“Definizione e Gestione degli Interventi in Situazioni di Emergenza Internazionale: il Caso della Regione Toscana”, Fabrizio Coticchia, Annarosa Mezzasalma, Serena Rossignoli, in “KRISIS-CRISI” Percorsi di ricerca nel Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, University of Pisa, May 2012
Poster Session: “Il Ruolo della Valutazione nel Sistema Toscano di Cooperazione Decentrata allo Sviluppo: un’Analisi Empirica”, Fabrizio Coticchia, Annarosa Mezzasalma, Serena Rossignoli, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Pisa, AIV – Italian Evaluation Association, Bari, 19-20 April 2012
“Il Ruolo della Valutazione nel Sistema Toscano di Cooperazione Decentrata allo Sviluppo: un’Analisi Empirica”, Fabrizio Coticchia, Annarosa Mezzasalma, Serena Rossignoli, Conference “Conflitto, Pace, Costruzione dello Stato e Istituzioni locali”, Trento, 1-2 March 2012
“Away from war through words? Marxist and post-Marxist parties, peace discourse and the evolution of the Italian defence policy” Enrico Calossi, Fabio Calugi and Fabrizio Coticchia, “KRISIS-CRISI” Percorsi di ricerca nel Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università di Pisa, April 2011